My Foughts on the Xbox Game Showcase

Hi Everyone,

As I mentioned on Thursday, I was going to see the Xbox Games Showcase, which I watched on Twitch! It was a lot of fun, and I will go over what I liked, and what I did not like!


I loved the Halo Infinite campaign demo! Actually, I should clarify. 343i (the people who make Halo Infinite) was going to showcase a demo for the game. It was really good in my opinion. The graphics were fantastic (to the chagrin of many people on the Internet, go on Reddit for more details). 

The gunplay was fantastic. There were plenty of new weapons for both the Humans and the Banished (more on them later). And many of the elements and mechanics from Halo 5: Guardians was still there (if you like Aim Down Sights and Sprint). Those in itself were absolutely fantastic. Many of the guns were renamed, or did not have traditional names from past Halo games, so that's new. 

The game is also open world, which is fantastic. At least partially for its campaign. We do not know how long the game actually is, or how long the open world will last. Will it be the whole game? Well, none of us truly know. 

I also liked a few of the new games announced. I liked State of Decay 3, which may introduce new mechanics. I also was a fan of the Fable announcement at the end. I played Fable 3, and it was really good (I never finished it sadly). So the Fable announcement got me really excited. 

I also like how every game will be on the Xbox Series X, with some games being free if you had it on Xbox One (which may be perfect for Halo Infinite). 

Also Game Pass is the smartest idea ever. Like on this whole planet. Free games for a membership should have been done forever ago. And it will work super well for Microsoft. 


Time to move on. I was not a big fan of some of the games announced. They just weren't my type of games. But to each their own, right? 

We need the price of the console? I want the Xbox Series X, but not if its too expensive. I hope that isn't the case, but not saying a price kinda worries me. 

I also do not care for some of the games on the Game Pass, but that's ok. The DLC's for a few make this better, but if a game is already on there, I may only play that and not the rest of the DLC. 

I did not get a beta for Halo Infinite, I wish I did, and that would have been super fun to play. 


The conference itself was fantastic. I loved the gameplay demo of Halo Infinite, and the Fable reveal.

I give the conference a 4 out of 5. 

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