Mario Kart 8 and DLC

Mario Kart 8 and DLC

Every few years there is a new Mario Kart game. It has a bunch of new, cool things when it is released. This time, there is zero gravity. 

It can be used to find hidden parts, or to defeat your enemies. It is pretty great. 

The game is for the Nintendo Wii U. There is a bundle that sells the game and the Wii U console. 

There are a lot of new and old courses. They are all interesting to explore and race. Each map has unique features that can be used. 

The game has up to 12 players. The game has the same amount of players online and offline. There are two modes, racing and battle. 

Racing mode has a bunch of courses and lets you race with friends and other people. The battle mode uses some of the race maps and fights with balloons to live. 

The battle mode is pretty boring but the races are fun. 

DLC Time: 

There are 2 DLC's to the game. Each has a cup with new tracks and old tracks. 

The first one: The maps are really good, with new locations and abilities, along with some references to different Nintendo games. 

The second one: The maps are ok, with some new references. 

What I would fix: I would make the battle mode more interesting, but still fun. 

Overall Score: 9 out of 10 stars. The maps make the game really fun. 
