Mario Tennis Aces Review

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to review Mario Tennis Aces! It's made by Cameloft, Published by Nintendo, and it is for the Nintendo Switch! Right now its $60 if you buy it from anywhere, unless there gets to be a discount.

So, let's begin!

The Intro: 

The game is a tennis game, with special abilities called Zone Shots. They are terrifying, spiteful, heartless additions that are used to send horrifying to hit shots from across the court. Now what do I mean by all this? I'll explain.

The game is normal, just like tennis. The Zone Shots are in the shape of a star that a player can utilize to create a special tennis shot, in the spot of their choice. The only way to achieve this is if a special bar in the upper left corner of the screen. That bar lets you achieve the Zone Shots. There are other ways to do this though. One example is to use a Trick Shot. This is a move where a character tries to reach the tennis ball from a far out position. To do this you have to press the right stick in the direction that you want to hit the ball.

For example: If your opponent tries to hit the ball to your right, and you can't reach it normally, press the Right Stick to the right, and your character will reach for it. It does not always work, but when it does it is great.


There are over 10 characters in this game to choose from, each with different powers. Mario and Luigi are All-Around, Waluigi is Defensive etc. The characters that I played as were Mario and Yoshi. They were fun and easy to use. Each character's strengths and weaknesses are different, but that's what playing the game is for.

Story Mode: 

This is where the spiciness comes in. The story mode is about an evil tennis racquet (lol for Tennis racquet jokes) who Mario needs to collect 5 Power Stones from, and he needs to defeat the racquet. It's pretty dumb, but it does it's job.

It's very frustrating to deal with though. How so? Well, some of the side missions in the adventure/story mode (think regular Mario Bros style games) are brutal. There's one that I won't spoil, but it is brutal and I couldn't even finish it. That's the only mission in the game that I haven't beaten, because it made me super mad, every single time.

The bosses aren't easy either. Two of them in particular made me extremely mad. But when that happens I should be taking a break. But it's gaming, you know how it goes. I beat them, but it wasn't easy.


This is the mess-around mode that comes with the game. It's just set to two modes. They are Tiebreaker, and One set. That's ok, but there needs to be more depth to the game. We are talking some major lack of depth.

Now, we need to get the elephant out of the room. That elephant is the CPU Difficulty. The ACE difficulty is insulting, and brutal. They constantly use these ZONE SHOTS to DRIVE ME INSANE!!!!!!!!!! In all honesty, the CPUs are very skilled, and they know what they are doing. But it's pretty harsh, lemme tell you. It's not fun after a while with them.


I did not do the online modes. I tried to get into a match but it never worked, so the online won't be used in the rating system.

Rating time: 

Here we go! Time to rate the game. If you look at my page with the terminology, you'll see the in depth review, but I'll go over it now also.


This is the rating based of the gameplay, and the story.

πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ out of 5


This is based off of how mad the game made me.

🌢🌢🌢🌢🌢 out of 5


The potential for memes to be made/quality of already made memes.

πŸ”ΈπŸ”Έ out of 5

That's all for this review!

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